Customer: UNISAL
Project: EAD Enrollment Campaign
Solutions: Digital Marketing Strategies
UNISAL is part of 93 Salesian University Institutions (IUS), present in 21 countries in America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania. There are 8 high standard units in Brazil, located in the cities of Lorena, Campinas, Piracicaba, Americana and São Paulo, which offer undergraduate courses in face-to-face, hybrid and distance learning formats, as well as lato and stricto sensu post-graduate courses.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on the education market as a whole. Students and institutions need to adapt to a new reality and, consequently, the strategy for attracting new enrollments needed to be rethought. The client needed to strengthen its distance learning courses front and had two main objectives: increase brand recognition and increase the number of new enrollments in this modality.
UNISAL had a history of media campaigns focused only on conversion, on Facebook and Google. The new digital marketing strategies sought to diversify channels and approaches to strengthen branding, which reflected positively on the results of bottom-of-funnel campaigns, improving conversion rates. In addition to strengthening the campaigns in Google ads and Facebook ads, the planning included portals specialized in education, programmatic campaigns (display, video, and audio), actions with influencers, and content management. This boosted impressions and, especially, the reach. By diversifying the channels used, it was possible to amplify the campaign, increasing coverage and reaching a larger number of people who were interested in distance learning courses.
We talk to a public that is in search of professional growth and, to do so, studies when and as their reality allows. For those who have no time to waste, time is an invaluable asset. That is why our communications revolved around the use of a search bar: it is a symbol of agility and ease of finding answers. Moreover, it generated identification, as if the receiver himself were typing the words that would result in the EAD of UNISAL, which offers flexibility and quality in this very personal path to a better future.
For those who live in search of more, no matter the place, every hour is time, because no one can stop the will to conquer. Nothing can stop those who see ahead. The place is where you are! The moment is yours. The future is not waiting for you to arrive, but you can reach it, protagonist.
Vestibular EAD 2021
In search of your protagonism

Content Actions:
Besides the actions to diversify media channels, as part of the digital marketing strategies there was also the structuring of a content production work for 4 months, with articles published in a portal specializing in education and sponsored posts that varied approaches and brought more complete information about the product, improving brand recognition.
Agência Vision worked on texts that explained the DL mode, the trends in this market, the courses offered, and processes in general, demystifying ideas that could cause noise when making a decision to buy a DL course, in addition to posts of opportunities seeking greater engagement.

Campaign influencers:
In this campaign, the influencers promoted the client UNISAL EAD and the publications were made through Instagram and YouTube. On Instagram, the posts were made in the format of Stories, Post Feed, IGTV and Reels, where the influencers presented the main advantages of becoming an ODL student, the skills that the student acquires during the course and the teaching models that went from semi-attendance, distance learning, hybrid and attendance.
Os posts também eram replicados no Facebook. Já no YouTube, foram feitas 4 menções sobre a universidade.
The action sought to strengthen UNISAL’s positioning as a provider of innovative solutions according to market demands and the pains of the target audience.
Understanding the client’s demand and seeking effective solutions for brand development, another part of the digital marketing strategies for the project was to work with influencers who had a connection to the essence of the project.

- 02 IGTV;
- 03 photos in Instagram feed;
- 01 Reels or TikTok;
- 02 mention videos on YouTube .
The publications made by the influencer Luana Carolina brought an impactful result, increasing the number of new followers and improving the engagement rate of UNISAL’s page.
The three posts published on the Instagram feed resulted in 45,945 likes, 278 comments, 790 saved posts, 180 shares and approximately 335 thousand impressions.
The two Stories posted on the platform also brought great engagement rates, reaching the 18,000 unique views mark, 273 clicks on @unisaloficial and 37,000 impressions.
The video published in Reels format reached 161 thousand views, 16,140 thousand likes, 110 comments and a reach of 161 thousand.
The 2 mentions made to UNISAL on YouTube videos yielded 149 thousand views, 23 thousand likes and a total of 780 comments.

- 03 combos with 3 Stories at different times;
- 01 post feed;
- 01 IGTV.
The scope of work defined with Manual do Mundo brought assertive results in the campaign indexes.
The audience that actively acts in the couple’s profile engaged with the content and improved the views and interactions with the social networks of UNISAL’s profile.
The single post made on the Instagram feed resulted in 2,671 likes, 18 comments, 13 saved posts and 67 thousand impressions. IGTV, meanwhile, was the flagship of the campaign, receiving a total of 75,000 views, 15,000 likes, 133 comments, 1,451 shares and a reach of 242,000.
Finally, the Stories combo that had three sequential images and were posted on alternate days, leveraged the familiarity with the UNISAL brand, propagating the profile and disseminating the essence of the university center. Together, the combos resulted in 51 thousand unique views, 132 clicks on @unisaloficial, 10 shares and 170 thousand impressions.
How have the campaign results affected UNISAL’s social networks?
Since the first publications made by the influencers, UNISAL has had a significant improvement in its social profiles, gaining more followers on Facebook and Instagram, increasing the level of engagement and reach of the pages, and gaining greater brand recognition in the online sphere.
On Instagram @UnisalOficial, 215 new followers were gained and, with the effectiveness of the influencers’ publications, the page obtained 28 thousand new likes. Its reach tripled, reaching 30 thousand, 42 interactions were performed, 40 new comments were received, and 37 thousand profiles were engaged.

On Facebook, there was a 25% increase in page likes and profile visits. In addition, 40% of the new fans were acquired by viewing the page. There were 607 new likes on the profile, 23 thousand likes on publications, and, summing up all the publications, 9 thousand comments.
The result
A significant performance evolution was obtained in comparison to the previous campaign. The actions taken increased the visibility of the campaign, which had a higher number of impressions and reach.
There was a drop in the volume of clicks, but they became more qualified, which improved the conversion rate. Consequently, the volume of registrations improved, both in total numbers and in their qualification, which also improved the enrollment rate.
The end result was a +796% increase in registrations and a +855% increase in enrollments, while the cost per registrant was reduced by -41% and the cost per enrollment by -50% compared to the previous campaign.

social vision