
Anywhere office: is your company keeping an eye on this reality?

anywhere office

Understand why anywhere office is more than a trend for many companies.

Offices are becoming more decentralized. Employees working in different places, such as coworking spaces, coffee shops, libraries or at home. The home sweet home becoming the home office.

For many companies, working anywhere is no longer a future possibility, but a reality. Yes, remote work, once seen as likely for the coming years, has been adopted by many and has managed to demystify several drawbacks and drawbacks.

The big reason for this work model gaining more and more acceptance was undoubtedly the COVID-19 pandemic. The health crisis brought countless challenges for CEOs, managers, and HRs in Brazil and worldwide.

And mistrust was minimized as the efficiency of processes and the results of remote work in the pandemic were confirmed. For all these reasons, your endomarketing should also turn its attention to the anywhere office.


In practice, what is anywhere office?

It is a work model in which the companies’ collaborators or employees work anywhere, so anywhere. They perform their professional activities at the place where they feel comfortable and do not need to travel to the company’s headquarters. Physical space becomes a secondary issue.

To work in this way and be successful, it is necessary to have good digital communication tools and cloud systems that enable tasks to be carried out.

Today, with the acute phase of the pandemic over, a large part of the population vaccinated, and social restrictions looser, many organizations have chosen to continue this process instead of returning to their offices.

They understood that the anywhere office gives more freedom to the employees and to the organizations themselves. And more than that: they saw that the advantages are manifold. They have realized the value of these benefits and have chosen to enjoy them all.


And you want to know what they are? We list here 4 benefits:


4 benefits of anywhere office: what’s in it for your organization?

Before mentioning one by one, it is important to point out that this model has worked so well that Brazil itself was considered the best country in South America and the Caribbean to travel and work remotely in 2022, according to the Remote Work Index/KAYAK. Check it out at your convenience, but don’t miss out on the benefits of anywhere office for your endomarketing:


  1. Redução de custos

One of the main benefits for companies is the reduction of infrastructure costs. After all, it is not necessary to spend money on rent, electricity bills, internet, or IPTU (property tax), for example. Large companies that have adopted this practice have had significant savings. This is the case of Banco Inter, with its employees working in coworkings and no longer in fixed offices.


  1. Breaking geographical barriers

When a company adopts this work model, it can break this type of barrier, being able to hire skilled professionals who add value to the day to day, even living in a different location from the company. Thus, companies can have the best talents nearby, even if they are not physically close.


  1. Talent retention

Além de poder contratar colaboradores de qualquer parte do país ou do mundo, uma empresa que adota o anywhere office pode reter talentos. Afinal, segundo pesquisa divulgada pelo jornal Estado de Minas, o trabalho remoto é o sonho de 49% dos brasileiros e isso é um fator que pode pesar na hora de trocar de emprego.
Besides being able to hire employees from anywhere in the country or the world, a company that adopts anywhere office can retain talents. After all, according to a survey published by the newspaper Estado de Minas, remote work is the dream of 49% of Brazilians and this is a factor that can weigh when changing jobs.


  1. Flexibility for everyone

The anywhere office also benefits the employees’ physical and mental health, providing them more well-being and quality of life. Without having to face the traffic of big cities, for example, they can adapt their professional activities to their routine and get more out of their day – with their family, practicing physical activities or taking courses.


See how many benefits your company and your endomarketing can have with this work model! Considering and applying the anywhere office to your reality can greatly benefit the company’s relationship with its employees, increasing even the perception of value that they have.  

Of course there are other ways to act and strengthen this relationship. And we at VisiON are always bringing here these ways, aiming at the success of your internal communication. If you need help with your company’s endomarketing, you can talk to us. We are ready to support you with insights and assertive strategies!

Take a look at our endomarketing action for Microsoft’s Mission Azure project. 

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