
5 examples of great integrated communication and B2C Marketing campaigns

Mensagem case Netflix - comunicação integrada

In the 1990s and 2000s, the marketing professional’s work focused on billboard, TV, radio and print ads. With the arrival of the digital era, companies absorbed another need: to ensure the integration of their offline marketing with ads (paid media in social and search networks), websites, e-mail marketing, and all other possibilities that digital marketing offers, thus starting to perform integrated communication strategies.

We know the difficulties of performing this integration in an efficient way, especially for large companies, due to the segmentation of objectives among their teams. Facing the volume of information that users receive daily, positioning brands in a consistent way and having relevance before competitors becomes increasingly difficult.

But calm down, we don’t want to scare you. In an integrated communication campaign, where several channels will be used, you can usually also count on the help of several teams in the company and thus you can focus on the most important thing, on keeping the message cohesive in all the selected channels. First define the objective, the message to be transmitted, and only then define the strategies and tactics that will be used to achieve it.

Check out 5 examples of Integrated Communication and B2C marketing campaigns for inspiration:



Anúncio do spotify de comunicação integrada em uma praça

Spotify, the music streaming company, often runs great campaigns that unite online and offline experiences. An example of this was when they launched one of their “annual summaries”, where the user could listen again to all their favorite songs – the most listened to throughout the year. This possible experience was communicated through in-app ads, push notifications, email marketing, billboards, street ads, and in public transport stations (places where people often pass by while listening to music through their smart phones).

All channels used similar designs and language, as is indicated in integrated communication campaigns. This campaign earned Spotify a Platinum Obie award from the Outdoor Advertising Association of the Americas for best OOH (Out-of-home) campaign of 2018.



Outdoor Netflix is a Joke. marketing B2C

To promote a series with comedians Chris Rock, Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Sainfied and Dave Chappelle, Netflix put up billboards in Los Angeles and New York with the message “Netflix is a Joke”. The passing public was confused by the message and many thought it was an attack on Netflix, because of the dubiousness of the message, which also spread on social media.

The understanding about the billboards came only when Netflix aired a commercial during the Emmy Awards, where comedians invade the scenes of the main series of the streaming platform, such as House of Cards, The Crown and Stanger Things, making jokes. At the end the message: Netflix is a Joke.

Check out the VT aired during the Emmy Awards:




3 mulheres sorrindo para campanha Dove - marketing B2C

Dove ran a campaign called “Campaign for Real Beauty” where billboards in London and Canada threw questions at drivers about the women displayed on them. Questions that generated debate about female beauty such as, “Fat or fit?” or “Wrinkled or gorgeous?”

The buzz around the offline campaign started to be shared through social networks, going viral. The campaign generated an increase in sales from $2.5 billion to over $4 billion.



Personagens animados Metro Trains - marketing B2C

Agency McCann Melbourne created the Dumb Ways to die campaign for Australia’s Metro Trains, which became the best PR case study in the world in 2013, winning several awards, including one at the Cannes Film Festival. The goal of the campaign was to reduce the accident rate on the subway lines.

To achieve this goal, animated characters and a song were created, in order to treat a topic considered somber in a light-hearted way. The campaign was communicated through various channels, from posters with the characters in the video and notices on the subway platforms to a karaoke version of the song. The song also became a hit, becoming a leading download on iTunes and being played on the radio. The campaign also became a game, children’s book and website.

Check out the video:



Outdoor Unisal- marketing B2C

Aiming to reaffirm its brand positioning for vestibular campaigns, UNISAL (Salesian University Center of São Paulo) relied on Agência Vision Comunicação to increase its number of enrollees. For this, the campaign disconnected itself from what is normally done in the sector and absorbed a more documental character for its pieces, in order to get closer to the new generations, with photos that represent attitude and movement, with elements linked to the public’s daily life, in an urban environment. The characters are UNISAL students with real stories of overcoming and empowerment.

To talk to the target audience at all points of contact, the campaign used a commercial, radio spots, print media, external media, and online presence.

Check out the complete case by clicking here.

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