
How a 360º virtual reality action can transform employee motivation and engagement

How a 360º virtual reality action can transform employee motivation and engagement

Elera Renováveis, in partnership with Vision, has ventured into new territories in internal marketing with a revolutionary approach that utilizes 360º virtual reality. This innovative project not only showcases the impressive Janaúba solar installation in Minas Gerais but also serves as an essential tool to boost employee engagement and motivation.  

Deep immersion through virtual reality 

The centerpiece of this engagement campaign was the development of a virtual reality film, carefully produced by Vision. Using 360º drones and cameras, this film provided an immersive experience that transported employees directly to the heart of the largest solar complex in Brazil, located in the interior of Minas Gerais. This virtual experience not only exposed the magnitude and technological capacity of the largest solar complex in the Americas but also intensified the sense of belonging and purpose among employees.  

Combined internal marketing and internal signage strategies 

The campaign was meticulously planned to include a combination of digital communication and internal signage. Teasers on corporate TVs, announcements via Microsoft Teams, motivational emails, and informational totems in common areas composed a communication mix that ensured everyone’s involvement. This integrated approach ensured broad participation and reinforced the company’s culture of innovation and environmental commitment.  

Impact and results of the initiative 

The campaign’s effects were remarkably positive, generating a surge of enthusiasm and a renewed sense of pride among employees. The action significantly increased the emotional connection of employees with Elera, enhancing their understanding of the importance of their roles and the impact of their work on the company’s overall success.  

Conclusion: elevating motivation with innovative technology 

This case study demonstrates how emerging technologies, such as 360º virtual reality, can be strategically used to surpass traditional internal communication methods, promoting a more motivated and engaged work environment. To explore more about this innovative campaign, visit the full case study on Elera Renováveis’ LinkedIn.  

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