Customer: Xandr

Project: Promotional Action

Solutions: Unique and Customized Coffee Kits

Xandr is a media technology company, with end-to-end data-driven programmatic solutions and its main goal is to make the advertising experience better for all participants in the ecosystem: publishers, advertisers and consumers.

With solutions for many different formats, including display, audio, video, and connected TV, the company offers greater and better opportunities for publishers, secure and high-quality environments, with scale for brands and possibilities for more meaningful and less intrusive connections for consumers.

Kit Exclusivo para ação promocional

Operating in the buying and selling of consumer-centric digital advertising and, for the big event that would be Black Friday 2020, Xandr wanted to do something different for its stakeholders as it was a year out of all the norm. Vision, through its expertise with online and hybrid event creation and management, helped create, plan and deliver a tasty surprise for everyone.


The idea was to bring an air of innovation to a remote action that would not only distribute gifts, but that would be able to create an exclusive experience to stimulate all partners involved with the date (whether customers or suppliers), with something they could actually use, providing that upgrade in mood that Black Friday requires. Therefore, the agency created a memorable event, adding the delicious aroma of coffee in the air!

Capa de Kit de brindes para ação promocional


Agência Vision developed a storytelling that took the guests from the offline to the online environment in a subtle and charming way. Exclusive and personalized coffee kits were sent as a form of incentive and thanks for the effort in carrying out the promotional action.

Este kit foi composto por cafés especiais e selecionados, uma cafeteira italiana e duas xícaras, além de um conjunto premium para diretores, que trazia cafeteira, dois tipos de café, moedor de grãos e prensa. Ambos acompanhados de uma carta com QR Code.

When photographing the QR Code, the guest was redirected to a hotsite where he watched a video of a barista, produced exclusively, with a 25-minute lesson about the history of the beverage, curiosities, types of grains, and also explaining the use of each piece sent to the public.

Vision developed all the logistics for the production of the video lesson, as well as the assembly and shipping of the kits, which arrived at several different points in São Paulo and other cities simultaneously. A different, delicious and unforgettable solution for all those impacted by the action.

An initiative that strengthens partnership ties, fundamental to maximize experiences and results for all involved.



    Agência VisionVision AgencyRua Miguel Sutil, 370
    Brooklin, São Paulo, SP 04583-050 – BrazilBrasil
    Whatsapp: +55 11 5042-2004 
    Email: [email protected]