Consumer: Vileda
Project: Brand Positioning (Awareness)
Solutions: Creation of the brand’s online presence, with social networks and actions with influencers.
Vileda is a German company (part of the Freudenberg Group) of durable mechanical cleaning products, with utensils developed to bring practicality and efficiency to the homes of its consumers, such as MOPs, brooms, gloves, and cloths. The brand was born in 1948 and is a market leader, performing with excellence in more than 50 countries.
Challenge: Upon entering the Brazilian market, Vileda brified Vision with a mission: the development of a brand awareness campaign, which aimed to make the brand known among its target audience, showing all the superior quality of the products it makes available in the market.

Action with Influencers
Vision was responsible for elaborating and sending a personalized kit, with an exclusive gift, to influencers in targert’s areas of interest, such as gastronomy, home, family, DIY, decoration, well-being, organization, children, travel, and cleaning.
An action was carried out that included the hiring of four influencers to disseminate videos of their “received” on their YouTube and Instagram pages.

Action with the hiring of 4 influencers for dissemination of videos on their YouTube and Instagram pages.

Stories: 15
Unique Views: 85.161
Total Views: 1.277.415

Organize sem Frescuras!
Youtube channel subscribers: 886,238
Views: 51.755
Likes: 6.800
Comments: 355

Stories: 18
Unique Views: 12.151
Total Views: 218.718

Lia Camargo – Just Lia
Youtube channel subscribers: 340.866
Views: 21.554
Likes: 3.500
Comments: 116
over 136 thousand
Youtube Views
more than 28 thousand
views on Instagram posts
over 113 thousand
views on Instagram stories
over 1.8 million
of total interactions
Social Media
Vision developed the online presence of the brand in Brazil, achieving more than 12,000 followers for its page.

The Vision agency was also responsible for all the creation and development of the brand’s Brazilian website.

Printed Material
Vision created printed materials with the developed concept: #BemEstarJunto (Goodbeing Together)

social vision