Unisal - logo

Customer: UNISAL – Centro Universitário Salesiano from São Paulo

Project: Campaign for the Vestibular.

Solutions: 360° campaign with film, radio spot, print media, external media, and online presence.

Integrated communication campaign for publicizing the admission exams for UNISAL (Salesian University Center of São Paulo), created from the brand construction started in the winter campaign, showing a modern, plural and qualified institution.

Vision created an integrated communication campaign, talking to the public at all points of contact. Instead of hiring actors for the campaign, the agency chose to use UNISAL students themselves as the main characters of the pieces, reinforcing the inspirational aspect and the connection with the target audience.

Campanha de divulgação Unisal
Campanha de divulgação- Mobile Unisal


Reaffirm UNISAL’s brand positioning, with the construction of an integrated communication campaign for the vestibulars, getting closer to the target audience, with a focus on conversion into enrollments.


Historically, most college entrance exam campaigns use posed photos of young people with school supplies, always in pieces loaded with information and abusing flat colors, without representing an activity or movement. This initiative strengthens the partnership bonds that are fundamental to maximize experiences and results for everyone involved.

What we create

To get closer to the new generations and generate identification with this audience, Vision chose photos that seek to represent attitude and movement, always using scene elements that were related or linked to the public’s daily life, such as bike, skateboard, bus, in an urban environment. The main characters of the campaign are actually UNISAL students, with their real stories of overcoming and empowerment, further reinforcing the concept of identification.

Criação de site Unisal
Criação de site Unisal


The 30-second film was aired on broadcast TV, in theaters, and on the Internet.

Intense Online Presence

The Vision Agency developed website, e-mail marketing, social networks and programmatic media for UNISAL.

Mídia Online Unisal
Mídia Online Unisal
Mídia Online Unisal
Mídia Online Unisal


Programmatic Media

> More than 1200 pieces

> 2.3 Mi impressions


> 1 Mi impressions


> 18 Mi impressions

Unisal - materiais 7
Unisal - materiais 6
Unisal - materiais 8

OOH media

Digital Signage, Outdoor, Busdoor, Indoor – Shopping Center e centros comerciais.

Marketing Offline Unisal
Marketing Offline Unisal - mobile



    Agência VisionVision AgencyRua Miguel Sutil, 370
    Brooklin, São Paulo, SP 04583-050 – BrazilBrasil
    Whatsapp: +55 11 5042-2004 
    Email: [email protected]