Client: Nuproxa

Project: Brand Positioning

Solutions: Social media management, media campaigns, and Inbound Marketing actions

Nuproxa is a Swiss company specializing in high-quality natural additives for the animal nutrition and health industry. With its innovative, scientific, and sustainable approach, the brand is present in countries across Europe and Latin America.


With its expansion into new regions, Nuproxa needed to communicate clearly and effectively with its target audiences in Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru) and Europe (Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, and Switzerland) to attract new clients and strengthen the brand. This required a careful strategic plan to achieve good results and increase awareness, considering the specific needs and languages of each region.


Given the specialized market, we identified a gap in specialized content and created a solution package that included the creation of a blog with content related to animal intestinal health, execution of periodic content schedules for social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook), structuring of Inbound Marketing campaigns with a complete journey for lead qualification, and a paid media strategy to work on the brand and products in the client’s key markets.

In addition to structuring the Social Media, Inbound Marketing, and Media strategies, we implemented and managed the marketing automation tool, which helped us qualify the lead base and generate insights for campaign optimization.


Social Media:

The new visual identity of the content allowed communications to become more modern and eye-catching, highlighting the company’s technology and expertise in the animal health and nutrition sector.

In less than a year of managing Nuproxa’s social media, we achieved impressive numbers that delivered strong conversion results for the company:

Inbound Marketing:

Through Inbound Marketing, we focused on attracting and qualifying leads for Nuproxa by offering free, high-value content through landing pages and email marketing. The campaigns resulted in significant conversions and positive engagement via email, demonstrating the importance of this channel in the strategy for nurturing converted leads as well as re-engaging inactive leads.

With rich, exclusive content focused on the challenges faced by the personas served by Nuproxa’s solutions, we achieved high interest in the promotional channels and qualified leads with potential business opportunities for Nuproxa.


The media campaigns were highly targeted, which improved not only the quantitative metrics such as website traffic performance, social media followers, and conversions, but also the qualitative metrics, including session duration, reduced bounce rate, social media engagement, and a low cost per qualified lead.



    Agência VisionVision AgencyRua Miguel Sutil, 370
    Brooklin, São Paulo, SP 04583-050 – BrazilBrasil
    Whatsapp: +55 11 5042-2004 
    Email: [email protected]