Logo PremieRpet

Client: Premier Pet
Project: Premier Pet Universe
Solutions: Development of app and website to carry out Digital Marketing promotional actions.

Premier Pet is a Brazilian company specialized in high quality nutrition for dogs and cats, a pioneer in the development of Super Premium foods in Brazil. The company needed a solution to carry out promotional activities with two objectives: promote its products and foster the connection between pet breeders, veterinarians, stores, and guardians (final public).

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Vision Comunicação Agency helped Premier Pet with the app development service and its desktop version, through which pet breeders and veterinarians could register and refer clients, earning points for each referral. These points could be exchanged for products in a virtual store within the application itself.

Pet guardians, on the other hand, by accessing the platform via login, had the possibility of registering their pets and became part of a campaign that, through a raffle, gave one year of free pet food to the winner’s pet. The Vision Agency was also responsible for managing and supervising all the stages of the contest with SEFEL (formerly CAIXA), including regulations, drawings, and indication of the winners.

By registering, pet owners also had access to several exclusive contents. They had the possibility of knowing all of Premier Pet’s feed lines, calculate the ideal feed for their pets (through the variation between breed and body weight) and access a news area about everything that was happening in the pet universe. In addition, the Vision Agency thought of an integrated communication, between offline and online, and the guardians could also use the application to scan the QR Codes on the packages of feed and access all the characteristics of the food.

This is how the company was able to run recurring campaigns, connecting the Premier Pet brand, breeders, veterinarians, pet shops, and consumers via registration and prize draws.


Mockup aplicativo PremieRpet
Mockup app PremieRpet

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    Agência VisionVision AgencyRua Miguel Sutil, 370
    Brooklin, São Paulo, SP 04583-050 – BrazilBrasil
    Whatsapp: +55 11 5042-2004 
    Email: [email protected]