Customer: Nestlé
Project: Brand Activation at an Event
Solutions: Slot Machine Touch Screen – Marketing Experiencial
Nestlé is a Swiss transnational food and beverage company. It currently has more than 2,000 brands and is present in 191 countries around the world.
The company was about to participate in a big Shell network event, where owners of Select stores from all over Brazil would be present, and wanted to take the opportunity to promote some of its brands such as Nescau, Nescafé, Dolce Gusto, Batom and Kit Kat, aiming to increase distribution and sales. This way, Nestlé would have its stand at the event and needed a device that would attract and engage the event’s audience.

In order to promote the engagement with the public that the company hoped to obtain, Agência Vision Comunicação helped Nestlé to develop an experiential marketing action with gamification, to take place during the event. Thus, we created for Nestlé a touch screen game, the Nestlé Slot Machine, which could be accessed through a totem located at the company’s stand, a space designed for brand activation during the event.
The Vision Communication Agency developed a game schedule that allowed the distribution of gifts, uniformly throughout the days, without uncontrolled or concentrated deliveries on certain days and times. From the beginning to the end of the event, the public was satisfied with the gamification of the Nestlé Slot Machine.
With this exclusive technology created by Agência Vision, which, by means of a physical button, activated the slot machine and distributed assorted prizes to the participants, the estimated number of visits to the space exceeded expectations, helping the strategies for sedimentation of the brand.
Digital solutions for events like this, especially associated with experiential marketing actions, have helped companies, like Nestlé, to engage contacts and customers, and are part of integrated communication plans during the digital transformation of corporations.

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