
Unboxing: why take your sales strategy out of the box?


Learn how unboxing can be a powerful marketing tool.

One of the most frequent video trends on social networks, especially on YouTube, is the unboxing. Perhaps you have already watched one when searching for information about electronic gadgets or appliances, for example. Or at least you have come across one on your timeline, which may be a video about a particular smartphone, air conditioner, or stereo.

The fact is that this format of digital content has been gaining more and more space, with the number of such videos multiplying. This is undeniable. Now, those who think that only the consumer benefits from this trend are mistaken. Companies and brands can also count on this strategy and obtain several advantages.

Do you know the benefits that a brand can gain by using unboxing? Do you understand why your company should think and rethink about the use of this content? Do you have any idea how to use it in order to provide a great experience between the public and the product? Before thinking about all these answers, it is necessary to understand its origin, definition, and purpose.


After all, what is unboxing? 

Unboxing consists in unpacking a newly purchased product and analyzing its characteristics or features on camera, sharing on social networks your impressions, as well as the positive and negative points regarding the product. The content can include demonstrations and comparisons with other items, from the same or competing brands.

The term itself can be translated as “out of the box”. This practice started in the technology area, and, according to Yahoo! the first unboxing was published in 2006, when the cell phone Nokia E61 was presented.

In Brazil, interest in the format has increased since 2010. Today, it is possible to find unboxing videos of any item, and it is also possible to say that this type of content has a high viralization power. This popularity is due to its dual purpose: it has an informative and entertaining character.

Unboxing videos arouse curiosity the moment something will be revealed or opened. In addition, they are attractive, since the audience sees the product in a realistic way, unlike commercials in general.

With this, its purpose becomes clear: unboxing helps to obtain information, answer questions, make comparisons, and, most importantly, help in making a purchase decision. That said, it is also necessary to understand its advantages for e-commerces. Do you know what they are?


3 advantages of unboxing for e-commerces

1- As the public is interested in unboxing videos and is influenced by these contents for a decision making process, we can say that the first advantage is visibility for brands and stores, especially online ones, making their products known or better known to consumers.

2– The other advantage is the possibility of reaching people in a more honest and less commercial way. This is what provides the humanized marketing so present in unboxing videos.

3- Another valuable advantage for brands or companies is the fact that unboxing serves any market niche. Of course cell phone unboxing videos are more popular, but other visually appealing segments also benefit from this strategy. This is the case in the fashion, beauty, food, and toy markets.

With all this information highlighting its importance, our next step is to give you tips on how you can have a good unboxing experience. Ready to check it out?


How to provide a good unboxing experience?

  1. Take care of the design and packaging
    The first thing you need to keep in mind is that attractive designs and packaging catch the public’s attention and make a difference. This makes opening a package a true experience. And this will show that the brand cares about all the details.

    You can also add some surprise factor that delights the person who opens the box. It can be free samples of other products, discount coupons, stickers, instructions, or even some fragrance in the box. This way you will make the unboxing experience memorable.

  2. Get in touch with influencers in your niche
    Take special care when sending to influencers. You need to understand who they are and their power of influence on the public. Find out if the content creator would like to consume your brand.

    Then, contact them to find out if they are interested in receiving your product. And, if you can, send a handwritten letter, talking about your product and describing why you believe the influencer might like it. This tightens the bonds and increases the chances that the unboxing video will get positive impressions.


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