
Create your 360° marketing strategy

estratégia de marketing 360°

Keep in mind the main points to build a complete integrated communication strategy


Ads, social networks, inbound marketing, events, internal communication, offline media… and it’s not over yet! Creating a 360° marketing strategy is a complex job that requires a multidisciplinary team or a partnership with a communication agency. The great challenge is to conduct the actions of the most diverse aspects in an integrated way, unifying messages and the company’s identity in any medium, for any audience.

In this text you can understand more about this concept. But in case you already know what integrated communication is, we bring below the main points that you can address in your 360° marketing strategy.



How is your company’s website doing? How long has it been since you last updated it? Do you know if it meets what your visitors are looking for? With so many digital marketing strategies, many people end up forgetting a company’s greatest representation on the internet: its website. A simple visit to a site that is slow, confusing, or with little information can be decisive when it comes time to choose a brand.

The reformulation and maintenance of the site is paramount in a 360° marketing strategy. Evaluate if the information is clear and complete, if it is well protected against attacks, if it is possible to make improvements in the structure related to SEO, if each element of each page is working as it should.

Above all, think like the user and how you can offer the best browsing experience to them, both on desktop and mobile. Use the data provided by tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar to understand how each page is performing and what can be done to improve it.


Online paid media

Online ads are one of the most effective strategies for earning returns in the short term. You set the amount of investment and can track the results in real time. What’s more, if your campaign needs adjusting, either to increase the investment or to improve the ad, this can also be done at any time. This complete management allows you to run campaigns tailored to your company’s needs and objectives.

The campaigns can be conducted through platforms made available by the search engines themselves, such as Google and Bing. You can create both ads to be displayed in search results and display ads, which are the banners that appear in several sites. YouTube and the major social networks also have ad tools that are convenient to use.

But these are not the only forms of online ads. You can contact sites you are interested in directly to insert customized and more prominent ads, such as paid content, sponsored areas, and pop-ups. You can also partner with digital influencers to promote your products.


Mão segurando imã para captação de leads - Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

If paid media is a strategy with short-term results, inbound marketing is the opposite. But the results are worth the wait. In this post we talk in more detail about this marketing modality. In short, it is a way to use informative content to achieve results organically, that is, without having to pay for clicks. Inbound marketing is a great solution for companies seeking to consolidate their reputation and authority in the market, increase the number of visitors to their website, strengthen the relationship with the public, and capture leads.

For this, three pillars are fundamental. The first is the production of content itself. In other words, blog posts, videos, e-books, infographics, podcasts, among others. The second is SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which consists in optimizing your site, landing pages and content to reach the best positions in search results for the keywords of your interest. Finally, social networks are great allies to engage the public, generate visibility and bring more visitors to your site.

It is also part of inbound marketing to create an email automation structure to nurture leads with interesting content that contributes to the conversion process into sales. By the way, a strategy in conjunction with the sales area is essential for this whole process to be complete, including well-defined criteria for qualifying leads.

E-mail Marketing

Those who think that the use of emails is outdated are more than mistaken. According to the 2018 Email Marketing Trends survey, 78.4% of respondents said they like to receive newsletters. In addition, 76.8% have already made a purchase from receiving a newsletter. Whether personal or corporate, email still plays an important role in our daily lives and stands firm as a great communication tool.

At the same time, it is a strategy that needs to be well planned to delight rather than irritate – or even not be seen, going straight to the spam box. By understanding the preferences and habits of the public, it is easier to establish a sending schedule and the best language to invite them to open the e-mails.

Besides the newsletter, mentioned in the research, it is also possible to divulge special contents, announcements, promotions, commemorative messages, invitations to events, and much more. Remember to always follow good sending practices, keep the contact base updated and (if necessary) well segmented, and keep an eye on the sending data to monitor the results and improve the strategy.

Offline media

By being directly inserted in the public’s daily lives, the offline media can have an impact and generate good results. And when we talk about actions outside the digital world, it is not only billboards and advertisements for magazines, newspapers, radio, and television. Although these are great ways to publicize a campaign, we know that they are not affordable for all companies.

A creative and beautifully designed business card will certainly catch the attention of the person receiving it. Street actions and guerrilla marketing can be sure to generate the much desired buzz on social networks. And what about thinking of different giveaways and activations for the next event that your company participates in?

There are many possibilities that offline marketing offers. Therefore, even though we are in the era of digital communication, the “real world” actions cannot be left out of your integrated communication strategy.


Communication with employees is also an integral part of a 360° communication strategy. After all, the internal audience must be the first to have the message that the company wants to pass on in their fingertips, to understand the operation, benefits, and differentials of the products, and to realize the value of the organization for which they are working. Informed employees who are engaged with the company’s objectives can see a purpose in what they do and transmit it to customers.

The endomarketing activities may involve sales incentive campaigns, management of internal communication channels, production of informative materials, product launch events, and much more. It is important to reinforce that the standard of identity developed in all campaigns needs to be maintained internally as well.



This is a key word for any business. It is the good relationships that the company cultivates that help to build and maintain its reputation in the market and boost results. The organization and participation in events is one of the main ways to achieve this. These are great opportunities to be in contact with clients, partners, suppliers, and other players in the market, to gain more visibility, and to generate business possibilities.

Maintaining a Public Relations strategy is also essential for those who wish to strengthen the company’s relationship with these and other stakeholders, such as the press, industry associations, community, government, non-governmental institutions, and others. A special attention to customers: the communication between them and the company does not end after the sale. It is necessary to have initiatives to retain their loyalty and maintain a successful relationship.

Plan ahead and count on partnerships

We can see that a 360° marketing strategy involves many things. That is because we are just mentioning the main ones! But don’t be alarmed: if your company does not yet have a structured strategy, take it one step at a time.

The idea is not that you start running after everything desperately. And remember that, in the absence of a large team to develop these works, you can count on the partnership of a 360° agency, such as Vision Comunicação.

Count on us!

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