
CEO or SEO? Both have their value to the company

CEO ou SEO? Ambos têm o seu valor para a empresa

Surely you have seen these two expressions often. Although similar, these two acronyms are not only differentiated by one letter. They have different meanings and uses, but both have their degree of importance for the day to day life of many companies. Including yours.

CEO, in fact, stands for Chief Executive Officer. In general, the professional who occupies this position is at the top of the hierarchy of a business and is responsible for the overall organization and strategy of a company. For Amazon, we have Jeff Bezos as an example. For Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. And so on.

There are many, many examples of CEOs. And, yes, there can be a CEO of a company that specializes in SEO. Therefore, it is important to fully understand the meaning of this second expression. Are you ready?


SEO is Search Engine Optimization. In other words, SEO is a set of optimization techniques for websites, blogs and web pages.

And before anyone asks why this is necessary, we make a point of explaining: optimizations have the goal of achieving good organic rankings, generating traffic and authority for some type of content, be it a website or a blog, for example.

It is the algorithms that filter what is most relevant to the user and direct searches on the Internet. Of course, this competition for attention on the web is fierce. Everyone wants their content to be on the first page of Google and for more people to find it easily and quickly. It is precisely SEO that makes it possible for you or your company to stand out in this crowd.


By now you know the difference between CEO and SEO, what the importance of each one within your universe and area of activity, and what the latter is able to do for your company. A good SEO strategy is essential for anyone seeking visibility. And just to make it even easier, here are some possibilities or benefits that SEO can generate:

  • Increases traffic;
  • Generate more leads;
  • Generate more sales;
  • Helps create credibility for a brand;
  • Improves brand recognition;
  • Provides higher conversion rates;
  • And much more!

By the way, we at Vision Comunicação have success cases and have already enjoyed some of these benefits that SEO makes possible. Want to see? When writing each content for our site, we take all this into consideration and the result can be verified here and now on Google. Just put it in the search: Agência de endomarketing SP. You will see that Vision appears as the first organic result (unpaid/sponsored).

Obviously, it is important that you understand that this is not a quick fix. SEO is a work to be developed in the medium and long term. To be noticed by Google’s search algorithm requires hard and consistent work.

With all this well understood, it is also fundamental to follow practical guidelines. We list some of them below in order to add more value to your digital marketing strategy.


The first piece of good news couldn’t be better: you can put SEO techniques into practice on your own for free. You can and should familiarize yourself with Google’s Search Console, as it provides many tools to tell you whether or not your site is relevant. When Google crawls your site, it checks that certain requirements are met: whether technical components are optimized for better user usability; whether it follows content marketing best practices; whether it follows SEO best practices for reputation building. That said, check out five other practical SEO tips:

  1. Sistemap XML
    A smart tool that shows Google what is on your site. It is important for Google to identify all pages when they are updated. You can trigger it in Google Search Console > Crawl > Sitemaps

  2. Site Speed
    If your site is slow, it will lose points with Google. So analyze the speed and find out what the root cause of the problem is. For this you can use Google PageSpeed Insights.
  3. Keywords
    How does your potential audience search on Google? What are their keywords? You can make use of tools such as Google Keyword Planner (Google Ads), SemRush or Ubersuggest. There you can type in a word and get an estimate of how many searches the term gets per month. 
  4. Smart use of keywords
    It is not enough to select keywords, you need to know how to apply them in your content. They need to be inserted in: 1) URLs; 2) Titles and subtitles; 3) Alternative image text; 4) Texts on the page; 5) Meta titles; 6) Meta descriptions. Use common sense to have natural content.
  5. External links
    Keep an eye on them. You need to build links that lead from one page to another. Work with keywords with anchor text and links in the most perfect and natural way possible. Getting backlinks is also important, because that way Google also analyzes the reputation and relevance of your site.


That’s right. If you want to take a step forward for your company or wish to count on the expertise of those who work with strategic intelligence and assertiveness, especially when it comes to SEO, you can be sure: counting on Vision, you will be on the right track.

After all, we are an integrated strategic communication agency ready to understand your needs, understand your challenges and lead you to the best experiences.

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